繳費表 (信用卡付款適用)
Payment Form (Credit Card payment only)
1. 以上訂購表只提供信用卡(Visa/MasterCard)付款之用。 The form is for subscription made by credit card payment (VISA or MASTERCARD) only.
2. 款項將以港元結算,請向發卡銀行查詢外幣交易之手續費及貨幣兌換匯率。 The payment will be charged in HK Dollars (HKD). If your card is not billed in HK Dollars (HKD), inquire about any additional fees and exchange rate with your card issuer.
3. 繳費不設退款服務。 Refund service is not available.
4. 上述資料僅供「多元世界的華語言傳承國際研討會」之用。 Data collected will be used only for ‘International Conference on Chinese Language Heritage in a Diverse World’.
5. 如有任何問題,歡迎聯絡大會秘書處 (icclh@eduhk.hk)。 For inquiries, contact us at icclh@eduhk.hk.